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Army of the immortals arvamused!

Words of the Army of the Immortals!


I want to thank you all for the many years of happiness the band has given me. I still remember the first time I heard Manowar to this day and my life was changed from that day forward. I finally had somewhere I belonged a group of people that felt the same way I did and still do today. In the absence of US tour dates I set off to MCF II, MCF III, and MCF IV. I met the most amazing people. Many of us are still friends today. I also heard the song Father for the first time. It was amazing all of the baddest of the bad had water in their eyes. I was fortunate enough to have a Father that was strong and taught me right from wrong and even when I didn’t listen stood by my side even when I turned from him. When i finally pulled my head out of my ass, My Father and I became best friends. As hard as I tried I could never seem to tell him just how much he meant. I Played Father for him although he turned his head. I knew that I finally had let him know just how much he meant. I had my flight booked tickets purchased for both nights in Cleveland. I had my bags packed ready to go. I got the call at 630 pm Mar 8th from my Mother. My Father, My Best friend had died. He had surgery on March 4th to remove bone spurs from his spine. He had recovered and had been released from the hospital. I talked to him on Monday Mar 7th he had just gotten home he was in good spirits. The last words we said as we had ended all phone conversations for over 9 years were I love you. He had blot clots that caused an aneurysm. My plans changed from going to Cleveland to flying to Arkansas where my parents had retired and we had my Fathers funeral. I had them play Father at the wake. When i posted what had happened on Facebook, it was amazing the number of our Brothers and Sisters sent me messages posted on my wall to give support. Manowar truly has the best fans in the world. I wanted to send you this message to let you know how much thanks I have to have met you and heard your message through the years and will continue to be a lifelong fan.”

– Troy M King III

“Hail Kings of Metal,

I wrote u a letter awhile back about the Brothers of Metal. I know your busy so I’m not sure u will remember it but the short version is me and 4 friends found a common bond in your music 20 yrs. ago. and we are still friends today. We consider ourselves Brothers, and this past saturday March 12 we were able to see u in concert at the Agora in Ohio. I just wanted to say HOLY SHIT THAT WAS THE MOST AMAZING CONCERT I HAVE BEEN TO IN MY LIFE!!!! I had chills when u came on stage and when Joey gave his speech it struck a chord in me. That is how I have felt most of my life but not many people believe in those qualities nowadays. I thought me and my Brothers were alone in this, and that night I found out I was wrong. I have always believed in honor, loyalty, respect. You guys are the most amazing band in the world. The next time u come to the U.S. I am going to do my best to see you again. I would love to meet you all some day too!!! Thank you for putting on the best show I have ever seen, and helping me to realize that I am not a freak for what I believe in, that there are others out there who are just like me. Thank you again.”

– Marty S.

“Would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the awesome show Saturday night at the Agora! This was the first time I’ve gotten to see you live. My wife wanted me to stick around and meet you guys and tell you my story, but I’m sure that you’ve heard many like mine. Your music has inspired me my entire military career. I picked up “Fighting the World” back in 1990 just prior to my deployment in support of Operation Desert Storm. I drew so much strength from your music, I had my mother send me Battle Hymns. Kings of Metal marched me through Joint Endeavor and inspired others who listened. All of your cd’s thru “Warriors of the World” made the journey to Iraq in 2003 with me. It was there that we inspired my brother in arms, Jason. He was one of my young troops that like myself, was a true warrior. We volunteered for every mission we could and our spare time was spent preparing for the next. He came to me one morning having just volunteered for a mission to retrieve one of the spades in our “deck of cards” and he wanted to take a little Manowar with him to get pumped up in the helicopter. I gave him Battle Hymns and Triumph of Steel. Jason’s helicopter was shot down upon leaving the airport and he took his place in the great hall. The empty cd cases now sit on his cemetery marker along with a plaque I had made for him with the opening lines from “Defender” engraved on it. I thank you for reading this, and for sharing your music with me.”

SSG Scott A K.

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