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Kingdom Of Steel-is on saadaval kaks kõige populaarsemat MANOWARi albumi kaane print-versiooni

‘Warriors Of The World’ on hea ja raske plaat, kas pole? Aga kuidas on kaanekujundus? See disain on üks Ken Kelly parimate hulka kuuluv teos ning ühtlasi näitab väga hästi, miks MANOWARi kutsutakse tiitliga ‘Kings of Metal’.

While MANOWAR’s music brings the thunder, Kelly’s art captures the gallantry of the conquering hero in all his magnificent splendor.

MANOWAR’s metal mastery and the majesty of medieval heroism in battle are fully evident, both musically and visually, on ‘Kings Of Metal’. It was on this record that MANOWAR proclaimed their metal superiority thusly: Other bands play, MANOWAR kill. Artist Ken Kelly affirmed that sentiment with a provocative album cover that embodies the band’s prodigious metal musicianship.

Now, for the first time, you can own the ‘Warriors Of The World’ or ‘Kings Of Metal’ artwork as a Giclée print, available exclusively from the Kingdom Of Steel!

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